From: Kevin Croxall <kevin.croxall _AT_>

Date: March 5, 2010 4:08:54 PM EST

To: JD Smith <jd.smith _AT_>

Cc: Lee Armus <lee _AT_>, Danny Dale <ddale _AT_>

Subject: Re: Dwarf Positions

I have drawn up some AORs that can be added into the larger sample once "official" pointings are chosen.

JD, I have confirmed the sensitivity estimates you stated in your initial email. I was able to give each dwarf 80 "units" of observation. Given the flux estimates of Bolatto and Leroy (1e-5 erg/s/cm^2/sr) and assuming a uniform surface brightness, I estimate a S/N of 20ish. Given the worst case estimate (0.3e-5 erg/s/cm^2/sr) I have a S/N estimate of about 6. All in all this comes in at 5.8 hours (5233s each, with 3200s on source time). Currently I have used NED redshift values.

As for pointings:

Ho I:

Screen shot 2010-03-05 at 3.17.03 PM.png

Above: An R-band image with Ha overlaid in Red and a rainbow palate HI THINGS map. I have centered the PACs field on the HI peak, which is also an Halpha peak. Below: 24um mips image with the same AOR overlaid... it looks like that fuzz I have targeted is the detection. Am I interpreting that correctly Danny?

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This galaxy did not have a 24um detection. Again I am showing a r-band image overlaid with a THINGS radio map. The Halpha emission is demoted by the red Xes. I have centered this field on a patch of HI hat also has Halpha emission. this is slightly off the optical center of the galaxy which has a paucity of HI.

M81 DwB

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Just a radio map this time... hipe memory was crying... I centered on that since it could basically fit in a pacs field. below I show the 24um field next to the 21cm map. Note the 24um emission is centered roughly along with the HI over-density.

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In this case I simply centered on the HI peak. I have no Halpha data and I could not see anything in the 24micron image... am I missing it Danny? Shown Below...

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